A product. A future.

At Bokhari, Scandinavian design and Pakistani craftsmanship are combined in beautiful quality products. In order to create safe and decent jobs for hundreds of artisans in Pakistan, and ensure schooling for their children at the LAMS school next door to the weavery, we can offer the following areas of expertise:

  • Bokhari merch: a wide selection of quality merchandise products for marketing and branding. We also offer screen, digital and transfer printing services.
  • Bokhari interior: our own collection of exclusive interior and textile products designed by Runa Klock and made in limited edition.
  • Bokhari home: offers selected partners the opportunity to develop products and collections in exclusive designs, made from more sustainable materials.

Meet some of the people at Bokahri here.

People. Planet. Prosperity.

What exactly is sustainability? At Bokhari, we believe that real and lasting sustainable development must consist of all three dimensions of economy, environment and social conditions. Or in other words: people, environment and welfare. This is also called the triple bottom line (people, planet & profit/prosperity). The connection between these three dimensions is what is decisive for whether something is sustainable! At Bokhari, we work every day to find new, smart solutions that both balance the impact on the environment with the consumption and the economy we have, in addition to finding better ways in which we can distribute resources. It is only then that it becomes sustainable for both us humans and the environment.
  • The social part is about ensuring that all people get a good and fair basis for a decent life. Meet some of the people who make up Bokhari here.

  • The environment part is about stopping climate change and taking care of nature as a renewable resource for people.

  • The financial part is about ensuring financial security for people and society.

Sustainable. Human. Engaged.

Do businesses have a responsibility for people and the environment? Our answer is a resounding and unequivocal YES! By taking our responsibility t the next level, beyond expectations, and even a little further, we aim to make our small contribution to a better world.
  • For Bokhari, sustainability means that we care about both the environment and the people. We only use sustainable materials in all our products, and where possible we choose reuse and recycling. We have a number of environmental certifications for both the products and the business in general, and work continuously to reduce our climate footprint and increase the positive social impact.

    Read more about how we contribute to the sustainability goals.

  • We don’t hire people to make products – we make products to hire people.

    With that mindset, we make conscious choices in product development and operations that ensure that more women and men are secured safe and decent workplaces.

    Read more about our approach to decent work and the sustainability goals.

  • We want to contribute to security and social care for our employees and their families. Not only today, but also in the future. It is therefore important for us to contribute to ensuring that all children receive the education they are entitled to, when local authorities do not have the resources to offer it. Good education is also important to contribute to hope for the future and secure a financial framework. We see that many of the girls at the LAMS school are the first in their families to learn to read and write!

    Read more about the LAMS school.

Who are we?

Bokhari consists of a total of over 450 women and men, in Pakistan and Norway. Creative director Runa Klock and general manager Amar Bokhari, together with warehouse manager Monica Breivik, handle all work in Norway, whereas all production takes place in Sultan Town, a suburb of Faisalabad in Pakistan. There, our skilled artisans, mostly women, make all our products. Our shared vision is to contribute to a more sustainable future for people and the planet.

  • Runa is a forward-looking Norwegian designer with a focus on sustainability and social entrepreneurship. She has broad experience from the design of quality products and exhibitions for leading brands and museums, to urban planning and the production of apple juice. Runa is the creative leader at Bokhari and uses her knowledge, experience and passion to further develop Bokhari and design new products from sustainable materials. Runa lives in the Western part of Norway, in Sjøholt, Ålesund, and has a daughter.

    Telephone: +47 958 87 414
    E-mail: runa@bokhari.no

  • Amar is a passionate social entrepreneur with a background in international development and humanitarian work. He has a passion for social and economic justice, with a particular focus on children’s and women’s rights. This is reflected in his vision that Bokhari should be a driving force to promote sustainable solutions that also put people in focus. Amar is the general manager of Bokhari with responsibility for the day-to-day operations and further development of the company. Amar lives in Oslo, Norway, has three daughters and is married to Noor.

    Telephone: +47 948 48 093
    E-mail: amar@bokhari.no

Mum and dad at work. The children at school. This is how we create a brighter future for everyone.

Our story

An informal meeting in 2014 between designer Runa Klock and social entrepreneur Amar Bokhari was the basis for the restoration and continuation of the vision of creating unique handmade textile and interior products, and through that creating safe workplaces for women and men and schooling for their children – a work that was started over 30 years ago. Because the story of Bokhari goes all the way back to the end of the 1980s when the idea to produce the traditional Norwegian fillerya in Pakistan was conceived on a beautiful winter’s day at Maihaugen in Lillehammer.

Read more about story here.


Certifications help to ensure that all activity that takes place at our weaving mill is in accordance with the current standardized criteria. But we have chosen to go beyond certifications, and work continuously to ensure that all our operations, and all our employees, exceed the minimum requirements.
  • Alle våre resirkulerte produkter møter kravene til Global Recycled Standard (GRS), verdens ledende sertifiseringsstandard for resirkulerte tekstiler som også inkluderer sosiale kriterier. Dette betyr at produksjonen vår kontinuerlig kontrolleres av en ekstern partner for å sikre gode forhold for både mennesker og miljø fra start til slutt. Hovedmålet med GRS er å øke bruken av resirkulerte materialer i produkter og redusere skadene forårsaket av produksjonen. GRS-sertifiserte produkter må inneholde minst 50% resirkulert materiale, men vi prøver alltid å bruke så mye resirkulert materiale som mulig. Våre bærenett er laget av 100% resirkulert materiale. Sertifikatet sikrer også gode arbeidsforhold, når det gjelder lønn, arbeidstid, helse og sikkerhet og sørger for at det ikke brukes barnearbeid.

  • Vi har ISO 14001: 2015-sertifiseringen, som spesifiserer kravene til et miljøledelsessystem som en organisasjon kan bruke for å forbedre miljøprestasjonen. Gjennom dette søker vi å håndtere miljøansvaret vårt på en systematisk måte som bidrar til miljøpilen i bærekraft. Videre hjelper denne sertifiseringen oss med å oppnå de tiltenkte resultatene av vårt miljøledelsessystem. I samsvar med vår miljøpolitikk inkluderer de tiltenkte resultatene av et miljøledelsessystem:

    • forbedring av miljøytelsen
    • oppfyllelse av forpliktelser
    • oppnåelse av miljømål.
  • Vi oppfyller alle kravene i ISO 9001: 2015-sertifisering for et kvalitetsstyringssystem, inkludert:

    • konsistent evne til å tilby produkter og tjenester som oppfyller kundenes og gjeldende lovkrav, og
    • forbedret kundetilfredshet gjennom effektiv anvendelse av systemet, inkludert prosesser for forbedring av systemet og forsikring om samsvar med kunden og gjeldende lovbestemte og regulatoriske krav.
  • Vi gjennom vårt Sedex-medlemskap sertifisert på nivå med SMETA, et etisk revisjonsformat som rapporterer om Sedexs fire pilarer innen arbeid, helse og sikkerhet, miljø og forretningsetikk.

  • Iso 45001 Logo Stock Illustrations – 61 Iso 45001 Logo Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

    The aim of ISO 45001 is the reduction of occupational injuries and illnesses, including the promotion and protection of physical and mental health.

  • Through our Sedex membership certified at the level of SMETA, an ethical audit format that reports on Sedex’s four pillars in work, health and safety, environment and business ethics.

All our products are made from more sustainable materials.

We want to take care of and further develop the long handicraft traditions in Pakistan.

This is how we work with the SDGs

Bokhari is inspired and guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world’s joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030.

Through our responsible business model, we directly contribute to achieving several of these goals and indirectly to many more.

Read more about how we contribute to the SDGs.

Don't take our word for it

At Bokhari, we work tirelessly to improve our ways of doing things, so that we can make even better products and contribute to improving the lives of our staff and their families – and by doing so contributing to a brighter future for all.

But don’t take our word for it.

Read more about what others say about us.

Decent work is a prerequisite for being able to make good products.

«Education is the foundation upon which we build our future»