The LAMS school

At Bokhari, we believe that all children, regardless of social or economic background, or gender, have the right to free, quality education. That is why we built the LAMS school in 1996 and have since then offered free schooling to all our employees’ children. Many of the children are the first in their families to learn to read and write.

The school currently offers education to close to 1,000 students, most of them girls, between the ages of 4 and 17.

After finishing school at LAMS, all graduating students are offered scholarships for further education at university level. The education at LAMS lays the foundation for a brighter future for the children and their families.

Bokhari contributes funding to the operation of the LAMS school. In addition, the school is supported by Stiftelsen LAMS, a Norwegian charitable foundation established to contribute financially and academically to the continuation of the school’s vision of a brighter future for Sultan Town’s residents.

Watch the film about the LAMS school below (remember to turn on the sound!).

Read more about the LAMS school at and follow the LAMS Foundation on Facebook and Instagram.

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The LAMS school is self-sufficient with clean, renewable solar energy.

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Close to 1,000 pupils, most of them girls, attend the LAMS school.

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The LAMS school is self-sufficient with clean, renewable solar energy.